Friday, May 30, 2014
Wow, it's been a while and I feel like a huge failure to this whole blog thing. But honestly those two jobs, getting a roommate (with a child) and getting adjusted took it all out of me! Plus, having no internet is a huge drag and blogging is nearly impossible without it. I downloaded the blogger app to my phone but by the end of the post, I was nearly pulling my hair out!
So, a little has changed! I had a roommate. Had being the operative word there. It just didn't work out but I've learned a lot about myself throughout the process and thankfully we've remained friends. SCORE.
I'm also back down to just one job. Ironically, it's my second job. I was offered a TON more hours and as well all know, this economy is NASTAY. I just couldn't turn down the added hours. Sadly that meant I couldn't really work the other one AND have a life at all.
My quest to watch all my movies is going well. I've added at least 10 more to the list and I'm on a roll right now! It's actually very good for me because I'm finding out, "Yes. I love this movie," or "What in the world was I thinking!?!"
However, since I'm back down to just my income, I'm trying new things. Selling things online is one and I'm about to start couponing! Hope it pays off (hahaha I crack myself up! :)
Here's to normal blogging and trying to keep up!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Jobs and Restlessness
My dear readers,
I am so sorry I fell away for a few days! Most of you don't know this, but I currently work two jobs. The last few days, I've gotten home and then simply crashed. Last night for instance, I intended to take a small nap after work before church. Yeah I woke up at 9. Ex-nay on that SMALL nap! Working both places is rough, both on my emotionally but more so physically. I can't really complain though. I have never slept so we'll in my ENTIRE life!
In all honesty, this second job is a HUGE answer to prayer. I had been struggling to make rent at the end of the month and God has surely provided for His child!
I have a huge blessing coming tomorrow though! My sweet boyfriend Josh is coming into town just to see me. Now if I can only make it through Job #1 tonight and Job #2 tomorrow morning. At least I have something to work towards! :)
Now this sleepy girl is gonna get a small nap before I have to work and give 110%. Again.
Monday, April 14, 2014
I affectionately call thus time of year swinter. That weird and downright AWKWARD time between winter and spring when the weather simply can't decide what it's going to be. 70 degrees of glorious spring the last few days and then WAM! It's SNOWING. THIS ISN'T NORMAL! I though we we're done with that garbage but NOOOOO...Mother Nature please be a doll and make up your mind because I can't take much more of this weather PMS that you've got going on. Neither can my allergies. Thanks ever so much.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
You know how at work or school, there was always that week where EVERY. SINGLE. TEACHER. like ganged up on you and scheduled every test or huge assignment at the same time. Or your boss had you do nearly 6 hours worth of work in only 3 hours. Well, I have. That's what rain reminds me of. Slow down and let God deal with the big stuff. I've got enough on my plate and He WANTS to help me with the things in my life that are stressing me out. He wants me to be able to sit on the deck and watch the rain pour down. He wants to be able to clear my mind and just clean out the gunk the world throws at me. I just have to let Him.
How awesome is that?! He longs for us to come to Him and say, "I need help."
I seriously need to remember that more often because I have a feeling God doesn't like to see His daughter that stressed out.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Saving Mr. Banks and Illness
I love the movie Mary Poppins and I thought it would be cool to see some of the back story of how she came to be. I didn't expect the movie to touch me so. P.L. Travers had such an interesting backstory that you can't help but fall in love with her (even though most of the movie you kinda want to do anything but love her).
One of the things I didn't expect to love so much was Ralph played by Paul Giamatti. I have always loved him so that wasn't surprising but his character touched my heart, as it did to Mrs. Travers as well.
Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie...GO! It's so sweet and touching. You may get a "eye-wash" but it's worth it.
Now on to the next movie I got. Thor: The Dark World. Big change, eh?
More later!
Friday, April 11, 2014
That's Captain Jack Sparrow to you!
I got a new fish the other day. For free. Free is good. My apartment manager decided she didn't have time to take care of the fish along with everything else that she had going on, so she gave me all her fish stuff (including a free fish tank!) and the two fish she had. Custard (a little tetra) and Captain Jack Sparrow (a goldfish) are the newest additions to my little tank family. Captain Jack Sparrow is a little nutty. He's constantly asking me "Hannah, why is the rum ALWAYS gone??" and Custard is in homage to Doctor Who. Fish fingers anyone?
It's nice to have SOMETHING to come home to that needs me. I've always had pets and even though it's not something I can curl up with, I'm glad to have Iolana, P. Sherman (he came to me direct from 42 Wallaby Way Sydney), Francisco, Oscar (the garbage sucker), and now the two newcomers. It makes my life interesting to see what antics they'll get themselves into. Most recently P. Sherman swam around like a madman and then kept running into the side of the tank. All day.
For more ravings of me, keep reading. I'll try to keep you entertained.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
New Day
Today has new things in store for me. Maybe they will be great and awesome things. Maybe they won't. But it's a new day with unlimited possibilities and awesome is that!?
One of the things I challenged myself to this year is to watch all my movies this year. The ones that I didn't watch (or found out I really didn't care for them after all) will either be sold or given away. I wrote all of my movies down in a Word document and after I watch them that year, I bold the text and if I want to get rid of those movies, I italicize that text. I've actually done a lot of movies this year (partially help to the fact that I was so sick earlier this year that I could barely move). I'd like to talk about some of the movies I've watched on here and just get my thoughts out.
Here goes....and the first movie chat goes toooooooo........
I bought this movie on ebay FOREVER ago because it was a classic. I kept putting off watching it because...i don't looked scary? Now after watching it, I can only say....what was I thinking? I absolutely loved it. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, just watch it for Johnny Depp's facial expressions. A-DORABLE. It's a very '80s film but it's stood up to the test of time.
So what's the verdict!?
It's gonna stay in the collection. FOR-EV-ER. It was so cute.
More later fellow bloggers, readers, and everyone in between
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Long Time, No Blog
This time I'm going to try to keep this up. Maybe "The Ravings of Me" will become a household bloggin' name. I'm not holding my breath for that one but wouldn't that be awesome!?
So much has changed in the past 6 years....let's see if I can get you guys caught up without boring you to tears.
I've moved to a small town in Southern Missouri and I actually really like it here. It's a lot smaller than what I was used to but that has it's pros. For instance, it doesn't take me nearly 30 minutes to get somewhere anymore. It definitely has it's cons though, too. Most of my friends still live in or near my hometown so I don't get to see them as much or as often as I'd like but we make the most of the time we do get. I've been fortunate to find a church that was a lot like the one I grew up in and has some of the most awesome people I've ever met!
Not only did I move but I also moved out in August of 2013 and that has been an interesting change for me. I've had my months were I was so excited about this new adventure and months where I was scrounging for money wherever I could find it. But it's been a blast finding out what I could accomplish when I really put my nose to the grindstone.
I also have a very special person in my life. Josh. I got pretty lucky as boyfriends go.
With this blog, I'd like to talk about what interests me but also hold me accountable to things I've challenged myself to this year, like getting rid of things I don't use or need and reading more books, especially ones that I haven't read.
I'll keep you in the loop.