Thursday, April 10, 2014

New Day

Today is a new day.

Today has new things in store for me. Maybe they will be great and awesome things.  Maybe they won't.  But it's a new day with unlimited possibilities and awesome is that!?

One of the things I challenged myself to this year is  to watch all my movies this year.  The ones that I didn't watch (or found out I really didn't care for them after all) will either be sold or given away.  I wrote all of my movies down in a Word document and after I watch them that year, I bold the text and if I want to get rid of those movies, I italicize that text.  I've actually done a lot of movies this year (partially help to the fact that I was so sick earlier this year that I could barely move).  I'd like to talk about some of the movies I've watched on here and just get my thoughts out.

Here goes....and the first movie chat goes toooooooo........


 I bought this movie on ebay FOREVER ago because it was a classic.  I kept putting off watching it because...i don't looked scary?  Now after watching it, I can only say....what was I thinking?  I absolutely loved it.  Seriously, if you haven't seen it, just watch it for Johnny Depp's facial expressions.  A-DORABLE.  It's a very '80s film but it's stood up to the test of time.

So what's the verdict!?

It's gonna stay in the collection. FOR-EV-ER.  It was so cute.

More later fellow bloggers, readers, and everyone in between

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