Sunday, April 13, 2014


I love storms.  Not the being out in them.  That completely freaks me out.  But sitting in my apartment or on my balcony and just watching the rain pour down and the thunder and the lightning is very calming for me.  Something about how the rain makes those pitter-patter sounds and how for split seconds the sky is lit up.  Perhaps it's that reminder that God is in control.  Of the weather. Of my future.  Of everything.

You know how at work or school, there was always that week where EVERY. SINGLE. TEACHER. like ganged up on you and scheduled every test or huge assignment at the same time.  Or your boss had you do nearly 6 hours worth of work in only 3 hours.  Well, I have.  That's what rain reminds me of.  Slow down and let God deal with the big stuff.  I've got enough on my plate and He WANTS to help me with the things in my life that are stressing me out.  He wants me to be able to sit on the deck and watch the rain pour down.  He wants to be able to clear my mind and just clean out the gunk the world throws at me.  I just have to let Him.

How awesome is that?!  He longs for us to come to Him and say, "I need help."

I seriously need to remember that more often because I have a feeling God doesn't like to see His daughter that stressed out.

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